The primary purpose of FacilitiesLink is to maintain accurate information about space owned or leased by the university. This data is important to many departments for daily operations and for planning, analysis and reporting.
Official data of record
FacilitiesLink serves as the official record of campus space. It encompasses the Davis campus, Health System and outlying areas (e.g., Bodega Bay, Tahoe, Tulare) and leased space. The system provides current information about campus buildings and rooms, including official name, CAAN, zone, area, structural characteristics, occupancy, use, funding, revision history. It includes retired and demolished building records. FacilitiesLink also includes some structures that do not meet the traditional definition of “building”.
Data analysis and reporting
The annual space inventory is the campus’ official record of existing space and space assignments. Each year UC campuses must submit an inventory of buildings and rooms to the Office of the President. This is based on a snapshot taken on the 15th day of instruction in the fall quarter. These datasets are used as a basis for comparison to prior years and for future projections.
FacilitiesLink data also supports capital project planning, lease management, annual reporting to the California State Legislature, negotiations with the Federal Government of the indirect cost rate that is applied to sponsored projects, reporting to the National Science Foundation, environmental sustainability, insurance and risk management, facilities management and long range campus planning.
Connections to other systems
FacilitiesLink provides a nightly data feed to many campus data systems, including Accounting and Financial Services, Information and Educational Technology, UC Environmental Health and Safety, Facilities Management, UC Davis Health System, the Office of the University Registrar and other units. It also imports reference data including equipment, campus NAMs and person directory information for look-up tables.