Navigation and Overview

The FacilitiesLink home page displays links to the modules to which you have access. The four main modules are Buildings, Divisions, Departments and Space Inventory. These modules are all linked to each other and to the floor plans, but each provides a different “lens” or pathway into the database.

As you move further into a module, note that you can go back to previous screens by using navigation bar at the top left. However, in the case of floor plans, sometimes it is better to use your browser’s “back” arrow.


The Divisions module is a good starting point when you want to look at space within a Division, College or School. You can select a Division and drill down to see all of the buildings, departments and rooms within the Division. 


The Buildings module is useful for obtaining information about a particular building. You only need to know the CAAN, zone or part of the building name (official or common). The module includes both Active and Retired buildings.


The Departments module is a good starting point when you are interested in the space assigned to a particular department. It is linked to the other modules. When you select a department you can see which building(s) the department occupies and see the rooms highlighted in a floor plan. 

Space Inventory (Rooms)

The Space Inventory module provides the ability to search and filter all rooms in the database using different selection criteria and themes. The dropdown lists give you the ability to select one building, one department, or a Division. You can also find a person’s office by typing the occupant name.