Definition of "Space Department"
In FacilitiesLink terms, a department is referred to as a “space department”. Each space department is assigned a program code that reflects the functions or activities that take place in that space. A single campus department may have more than one space department to reflect different functions of the department: administrative, academic and auxiliary activities. These program codes are part of a classification system used by most higher educational institutions.
When you click on the Departments module on the home page, you can choose from three views: Listing, Report and Org Chart.
Listing (Default)
There are multiple ways to find a department name.
- Tab through the pages alphabetically and find the department by the first letter of the name. Department names in italics are “nicknames” or common names.
- You can also use the filters in the gray box above the department names. If you click any of the white boxes, a drop down menu will appear.
- Finally, you can type all or part of the department name in the white box next to Department in the gray box.
Report view
This view shows a list of all departments. You can sort by name, org code, department, ASF. You can also use the filters in the gray box, as indicated above.
Org Tree
This view shows all of the space departments under each Division/College. You can click on department names to go to department's home page.
Department home pages
The Department home page displays:
- the buildings in which the department has space, with floor plans.
- Space inventory (room lists): this can be found under the Report Gallery. Click on the icon called "Space Inventory".
- Department contact. This person is permitted to make edits to rooms in the department and answer questions about the space. Contact Space Management and Project Development if the contact name is incorrect.